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Finding a Detour for Sales Roadblocks

Katherine Smith

Objections are part of the process in Sales, and it’s important to see these roadblocks as merely a stepping stone to further discussion. Don’t become discouraged and give up. However, this isn’t a licence to be pestering or pushy; getting around sales roadblocks requires us to walk a fine line, but once we do there is a sale at the end of the road.

Let’s take a look at some common sales roadblocks and what strategies can be implemented to find the detour.

You’re Not Speaking with the Decision-Maker - We’ve all heard this one before! Your potential client says that their boss/manager has said no to X. It’s important not to see this as the end of the conversation, but merely as a bridge to the decision maker. Let your client know that you understand their position, and set up a meeting that gets the decision-maker in the room.

Your Potential Client is Satisfied with What They Have - There are always going to be potential clients that are resistant to any form of change, and these people will typically get their backs up if pushed too hard. However, the reality is that change is going to happen around them anyway. Help them realize that changes in the market, whether it’s an increase in competition or technological advancements, will affect them regardless. If they want to minimize the damage from stagnation and maximize the potential for revenue growth, then the status quo will have to go.

No Time to Talk Too Busy - We can all relate to this objection as we’ve all been too busy at one point or another. It’s important to do an honest evaluation of your potential client’s availability – are they really too busy, or are they just dismissing you without understanding your product or service? In both cases the same approach can be used. Maybe they really are too busy at that moment, in which case you have to respect their time. And even if they’re not, letting them know you respect their time is important for building trust. Either way you need to make sure that you leave with a date set for another meeting.

Hmm I’ll Have to Think and Get Back to You - As in the Too Busy example it is important to do your best to distinguish between an objection that is a cover for a dismissal, and one that is a genuine need or objection of your potential client. There are some people that are more likely to decide to buy if they’ve had a chance to evaluate its value. Just make sure that they have all of the information needed to understand your UVP (unique value proposition) so that they can come back ready to buy. It’s okay to put a little pressure on your potential client by letting them know this price only lasts until [date] or that a competitor is interested as well, but only to encourage a deadline and not an immediate sale. If it’s a dismissal, and even if it’s not, just like the Too Busy example you need to set the next meeting so that the “thinking it over” isn’t open-ended.

That’s Expensive. I Don’t Have the Budget - If someone immediately objects because of price, chances are high that this is an emotional response to spending money rather than a well-thought out evaluation of your product or service. This is a chance for you to explain what your unique value proposition is so that they can see the value in spending some of their budget on you.

When you hit a sales roadblock, your inclination might be to stop, turn around and drive home - giving up on that potential client. Don’t do this. In most cases you just need to look around and find your sales detour, and then you can keep driving. Objections are part of the business, and if done right can lead to greater understanding and trust between you and your client.

Have you ended up with an even better relationship with your client after finding a detour to a sales roadblock? Can you think of more sales roadblocks that need detours? Tell us in the comments.

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